This article is based on Olivia McNaughten’s talk at the Product Marketing Summit in New York. As a PMA member, you can enjoy the complete recording here.

Chances are, you recognize at least one of the people below – and that's no surprise. From Arianna Huffington to Danielle Bernstein and James Charles, these are some pretty well-known influencers.

headshots of various influencers, including Arianna Huffington, Danielle Bernstein, MrBeast, and James Charles.

Now, what about the people in this next image? You might recognize some of them, you might have worked with them, or maybe you’ve even heard them speak at a Product Marketing Summit.

headshots of various industry influencers, including Reggie Waterman.

But, you might be wondering, what do they have in common with the people in the previous slide? Well, it turns out a lot – they’re influencers too. That’s because influence is, at its core, the ability to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks.

We're all being influenced every day – in what we wear, the food we eat, where we go on holiday, even the hobbies we pursue. The power of social media influencers just can't be understated!

As PMMs, there's a lot we can learn about enhancing our influence in the workplace – and that’s what I’m going to help you do today, with eight key strategies for unleashing your inner influencer. 

Digital influence vs. corporate influence

Let’s start by comparing the two types of influence: digital and corporate.

In the digital world, influencers use social media to sway their audience’s opinions, actions, and purchasing decisions. They use their online presence, large following, expertise on a particular topic, and rapport with their audience to shape behaviors. They do this through content, whether it's photos, videos, blogs, vlogs, or podcasts. 

Now, let’s talk about influencers in the corporate world. Here, individuals – like you – shape business decisions and guide change. They do this by leveraging their expertise in certain areas – like competitors or the product – and their relationships with internal stakeholders. This is done in one-on-one or large group meetings, and through presentations, slide decks, proposals, messaging, and visuals.

Influence inspires action, fosters change, and drives results.

When you compare these two types of influence, they’re actually quite similar. That’s because influencers, whether online or in the corporate world, inspire action, foster change, and drive results. Whether it’s through an Instagram post or a pitch deck, the goal is to influence outcomes.

Why PMMs make brilliant influencers

PMMs have the potential to influence various areas within an organization because we’re highly cross-functional. 

We’re close to the product and to our customers, which allows us to shape the product roadmap by advocating for features our customers want or by responding to shifts in the market. 

We can influence how a company or product is perceived in the marketplace by crafting value propositions, providing sales teams with effective talk tracks, and ensuring consistent messaging across all marketing channels.

We also drive team alignment by motivating everyone toward a shared vision or goal. Plus, by staying ahead of industry trends, we help guide pivots or innovations that keep the organization competitive and can even help the company become an industry leader.

Eight key strategies for unleashing your inner influencer

So, now that we know what we can influence, how do we actually build influence within our organizations? Let’s take a page from the book of our social media friends and see how we can apply their strategies to our day-to-day. 

Strategy #1: Establish credibility

The best influencers find a niche and hone their expertise in that area. Whether it's skincare, gaming, wellness, or something else, they build their knowledge and showcase it to their audience. We can do the same by becoming experts in our field and sharing that expertise within our organizations.

Master product knowledge

To build your influence within an organization as a PMM, you need to establish credibility by building your expertise. This starts with mastering product knowledge. 

Just like the best beauty influencers out there, who know exactly which ingredients are in skincare products and what’s best for dry skin or fine lines, PMMs need to understand the ins and outs of their products. We need to know why a product exists, understand its intricacies, and be the go-to person for all things related to it.

Build competitive intel

The best beauty influencers will tell you which moisturizer is best for your skin type, what's a good value product, and which products are considered clean beauty. They compare products and help their audience understand how different options stack up. 

In the same way, as PMMs, we need to know how our products stack up against competitors, including how our pricing compares.

Demonstrate market awareness

These beauty influencers stay ahead of trends – they know which ingredients are popular, the latest skincare gadgets, and the trends that are gaining traction. They bring this knowledge to their audience, adding value and staying relevant. 

Similarly, as a PMM, you need to know the trends impacting your customers, what’s keeping them up at night, and the changes shaping your industry.

Of course, if you’re new to a role, recognize that building all this knowledge won’t happen overnight. It takes time. So, start by focusing on one or two areas, becoming an expert in either competitive intelligence or market trends. 

Be a trusted thought partner

As you build your expertise, you’ll gain credibility, and people will naturally start coming to you with questions, just like people turn to beauty influencers for advice.

The more credibility you build, the more opportunities you’ll have. Like influencers who are invited to headquarters to discuss product roadmaps or test new products, you, too, can become a trusted thought partner. 

By consistently delivering value through your knowledge, you establish yourself as a credible asset, and people will start seeking you out for your insights and expertise.

Strategy #2: Develop your personal brand

The best influencers are able to create a strong, recognizable brand that feels real and authentic. 

Take John from the Preppy Kitchen, for example – he’s an excellent chef and baker who has built his brand around a very preppy aesthetic. Everything he shares, from his decadent and delicious recipes to his beautifully crafted content and cookbooks, aligns with this theme.

Uncover your edge and define your unique value prop

Just like John, you need to define your unique edge. Or, as Tamara Grominsky puts it, you need to find your secret sauce. Are you a master at messaging and positioning? Do you specialize in startups or scale-ups? Or maybe you're very technical and know all the product details. Pinpoint what makes you different and define your unique value proposition.