State of Go-to-Market Report 2023

Reports | Go-to-Market

Access key facts and findings to help you align stakeholders, overcome GTM challenges, and deliver elite product launches, with the State of Go-to-Market Report 2023.

We’ve surveyed a wide range of Go-to-Market leaders and practitioners from every team that contributes to GTM. The result? A detailed picture that shows you how every cog in the Go-to-Market machine fits together.

Key takeaways from this report include:

  • Go-to-Market insights to help you improve your launch processes.
  • Actionable advice on how to better align stakeholders.
  • Recommended tools for better Go-to-Market.
  • A deeper understanding of how different GTM functions contribute to the overall success of your launches.

Plus much, much more…

It’s all about teamwork

We couldn’t have pulled off this report without our good friends over at Ignition, the GTM ops platform.

Their sponsorship allows us to keep delivering groundbreaking reports that help propel the Go-to-Market industry forward.

Here’s a quick word from Ignition Founder and CEO, Derek Osgood:

Quote from Ignition Founder and CEO, Derek Osgood.

But wait, there’s more…

Participants from across the globe took part in this survey. Here are just some of the companies that got involved.

Logo collage of contributors to the State of Go-to-Market Report 2023.

And if all that wasn’t enough, here are some highlights from this year’s report…

  • 37.2% of respondents described their company culture as product-first, while only 25.6% said sales-first.
  • Only 10.3% of respondents have a dedicated Go-to-Market director or manager.
  • The majority of respondents (79.6%) work with five or more stakeholders per launch.
  • The majority of respondents (79.5%) felt that launches have a notable or major impact on revenue.
  • 62.8% of respondents answered that measuring the impact of a launch is a challenge.

Ready for more?