After seeing one of our posts on LinkedIn, Rahim Kaba, VP of Product Marketing at OneSpan, discovered Product Marketing: Teams. Before long, he and his colleagues had become PMM certified. 🏅
In this case study, he discusses:
- Why he enrolled,
- Why he picked us,
- PMMC's main benefits, and
- Key outcomes
Rahim’s motivation
The appetite for self-development among professionals in the product marketing community is palpable, and this proved to be the case with Rahim; his product marketing team was motivated to refine their knowledge and maintain their standards.
“I enrolled my team into Product Marketing Core: Teams because members of my product marketing team expressed an interest in refreshing their PMM skillset.
“Most had already completed other product marketing training courses in the past but they were looking for new approaches to tackle some of the common challenges we face as PMMs.”
Why Product Marketing Core?
With 2020 throwing unparalleled challenges toward business owners worldwide, team leaders were forced to embrace virtual learning to ensure their teams could progress. This proved a key factor in Rahim’s decision to turn to Product Marketing Core: Teams for certification.
“In light of the pandemic, it was important to find a provider that offered courses virtually. When I heard that the PMA had multiple options (e.g., live and on-demand, different time zones, etc.), the choice was easy.”
What are Product Marketing Core’s main benefits?
Every product marketer (or PMM team) enrolling in Product Marketing Core. In Rahim’s case, his team needed support with research.
“We needed a course that specifically addressed how to effectively conduct research. My team is increasingly asked to support business cases for new product ideas and they need to have all the necessary tools to help validate ideas and concepts for solutions that buyers need.
“If you’re a seasoned PMM looking to fine-tune your skills and challenge the way you traditionally get things done, this is a great course that will do just that. The convenience of completing classes live and on-demand makes this course accessible to everyone.”
Key outcomes
With his team fully certified and their understanding of research principles reinforced, what were the key outcomes of Product Marketing Core: Teams for Rahim and his colleagues?
“Overall, the course was extremely beneficial. Someone once told me that ‘every day is a school day’. The PMA course was a great opportunity to revisit core PMM concepts and learn new ones at the same time. It is helping the team focus and zero in on how and where they can drive impact in their respective roles.
“PMMC: Teams reminded us of the importance of digging deeper (via buyer interviews, win/loss interviews, etc.) and validating our assumptions concerning the problems we solve, who we are solving these problems for, and whether our approach/solutions matter to buyers.
“Add to that, it ensured we measure the impact of the content and tools we create for sales - i.e., is it moving the needle and improving win rate and sales productivity?
“Following our experience, we may explore some of the newer courses that the PMA is introducing.”
Not sure if Product Marketing Certified: Core is for you...? 👇

Enroll in Product Marketing Core: Teams, gain expert tuition from an experienced PMM, and help your PMM team secure a coveted PMM certification with access to 11 chapters and 68 modules of material, plus a whole lot more. Raise the bar. Excel in your field. Get certified.