In this episode of Product Marketing Life, host Collin Mayjack caught up with Logan Hendrickson, Product Marketing Lead at 15Five. They covered a lot of ground, but one topic really stood out—why it’s time to let go of the traditional one-pager and embrace more dynamic, interactive content. If you’re tired of churning out one-pagers for your sales team, this one’s for you.

Check out the full episode here. 👇

Ditch the one-pager

Let’s be real—one-pagers are a product marketing staple, but Logan argues that they might be doing more harm than good. Instead of static, outdated PDFs, why not lean into interactive web pages that are trackable, customizable, and way more engaging? It's not just about making your life easier; it’s about giving sales teams better tools to close deals while ensuring your content reaches its full potential.

If you’re still relying on one-pagers, it might be time to ask yourself: Can a web page do it better? Spoiler alert—yes, it can.

Main takeaways

  • From sales to product marketing: Logan’s background in sales gives him a unique edge in product marketing. He understands the mindset of sales teams and knows how to meet them where they are, while also bringing the strategic thinking that product marketers excel at.
  • Why the one-pager is on its way out: Logan’s stance is clear: one-pagers are redundant. He believes they can and should be replaced by dynamic web pages with videos, customer stories, and interactive elements that are way more effective for both sales teams and customers.
  • Sales enablement should be a partnership, not a request factory: Too often, product marketers fall into the trap of just cranking out assets. Logan suggests a more collaborative approach where sales requests are handled through a structured process, with prioritization based on impact.
  • Competitive intelligence is a team effort: At 15Five, competitive intel isn’t just the PMM’s job. Everyone contributes to gathering insights, from product to partnerships. This collaborative approach means sales always has the latest info without the PMM team having to do all the heavy lifting.

Meet Logan Hendrickson

Logan Hendrickson is the Product Marketing Lead at 15Five, but his career started in sales. After working as an SDR and AE, Logan made the jump into product marketing and hasn’t looked back.

He’s passionate about creating scalable, impactful marketing assets and rethinking traditional tools like the one-pager. Whether he’s building out sales enablement programs or brainstorming new ways to tackle competitive intel, Logan is all about finding better, smarter ways to support sales and drive growth.

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