Our core competency analysis document outlines how businesses can identify, develop, and leverage their core competencies to gain a competitive advantage.

Here’s an overview:

What is core competency analysis?

Core competency analysis is a process of identifying the unique strengths and capabilities that give a company a competitive edge in the market. These competencies are a combination of skills, resources, and knowledge that differentiate a company and allow it to succeed long-term​.

What's inside the document?

  • Core competency definition: The document defines core competencies as a combination of resources, skills, and systems that distinguish a company and are the foundation of its competitiveness​.
  • Core competency selection process: This process involves understanding the company’s mission and vision, conducting a thorough job analysis, validating competencies with feedback, and integrating them into daily operations​.
  • Core competency tree: The tree model represents how competencies lead to core products and, ultimately, end products. The trunk represents the core business, the branches represent core products, and the leaves represent end products​.
  • Competency comparison: The document includes a comparison of how companies leverage their core competencies to develop products, providing examples like portable music devices or cloud-based productivity tools​.
core competency analysis document
Core competency analysis
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