Convince the boss: Cross-Functional Collaboration Certified

Careers | Certifications

Interested in getting Cross-Functional Collaboration Certified, but unsure how to approach key stakeholders to request that all-important funding?

Sit back, relax - with this super handy template, you'll be learning the fundamentals of kick-ass collaboration in no time. 😁

Copy and paste this email 👇 (or download this doc), fill in the gaps, and send it to your boss.

Simple. ☺️

Hey [insert your boss’ name],

I’m interested in enrolling in Product Marketing Alliance’s Cross-Functional Collaboration Certified course and would like to inquire whether you’d be willing to offer financial support for me to do so.

This course will help me as a strategic partner, and develop exceptional collaboration and communication skills that enable product marketers to deliver value and make their mark on an organization.

The training provider, Product Marketing Alliance, is a respected company, and they only work with the best.

This course is delivered by Alison Hayter, Director of Product Marketing at Loopio. Alison has extensive experience in establishing productive, collaborative working relationships with key stakeholders across the organization, so I’d be learning from a bona fide subject matter expert.

The certification is completely self-paced, therefore, it won’t interfere with my working hours, and upon completion, I’ll receive official certification, providing I pass the mandatory exams.

The curriculum covers several key areas, including:

  • How to articulate and establish product marketing’s mandate internally, the value that product marketers bring to the table, and why we need (and deserve) to be included in strategic business conversations.
  • Advice on establishing win-win working relationships with counterparts in product, sales, marketing & customer success.
  • How to bring in the right people at the right times on the right projects, improving outcomes and increasing the value your business gets from product marketing-led initiatives.
  • Tips for gaining the respect, buy-in, and recognition for your efforts that product marketers deserve, from both peers and executive leadership.

What’s more, I’ll also have access to the course materials for life, so I’ll be able to revisit the curriculum and remain on top of my game.

I have no doubts that this course would be a great investment and I’d be more than happy to discuss this opportunity with you in more detail.

If you’d like to do a bit more research of your own before we meet, you’ll find all the information you need including what’s in the syllabus, here.

Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me at this stage.


[Your name]