What is a competitive positioning reference template?

A competitive positioning template is an essential document for product marketers. The aim is to systematically identify and highlight a product’s unique value proposition in comparison to competitors.

The downloadable template acts as a strategic tool for crafting compelling narratives that differentiate your product in the market. It provides a structured approach to assess competitive alternatives, reframe your product’s strengths, and focus on key product moments that resonate with your target audience.

Creating a competitive positioning document for your product carries 5 key advantages:

  • Clarity in communication: Helps marketers articulate the distinct advantages of their product clearly and persuasively.
  • Strategic differentiation: Identifies and emphasizes unique selling points that set your product apart from competitors.
  • Consistent messaging: Ensures all marketing and sales teams are aligned with a unified message, enhancing brand consistency.
  • Enhanced campaigns: Supports the creation of targeted marketing campaigns, content strategies, and SEO plans.
  • Informed decision-making: Provides a reference point for making strategic decisions about product development and market positioning.

Sound like something you need? Well, let's take a look at how to build your own competitive positioning document.

How to Use the Competitive Positioning Reference Template

Acknowledge major competitive alternatives:

  1. Identify key competitors and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Use comparative statements to highlight where competitors fall short and where your product excels.
  • “[Legacy Competitor] was a great product for … but their approach hasn’t kept up with the need for …”
  • “[New Competitor] has created some buzz with … but they’re only solving for a fraction of the problem …”

Reframe: How we see the world:

  1. Position your product as a solution to more significant and relevant problems than those addressed by competitors.
  2. Use reframing techniques to challenge the value provided by competitors and present your product as a superior alternative.
  • “Competitor might be good for … [outdated or trivial problem], but we help teams with … [bigger and more important problems].”

Specify Key Product Moments to Emphasize:

  1. Highlight 3-4 key features or moments that showcase your product’s unique benefits.
  2. Include short captions explaining why each moment is different and why customers love it.
  • “Product moment: [Brief description]… why it’s different… why customers love it…”

Accompany each moment with relevant product screenshots to visually reinforce your points.

Specific terms to avoid:

  1. Define the product categories where your product does not compete.
  2. Avoid using terms that are closely associated with competitor products to prevent confusion and maintain a distinct brand identity.
  • “We do not compete in the … product category. Don’t use the term … when referring to our products since that term is associated with a competitor product …”

Reinforcement through visuals:

  1. Use product screenshots and visual aids to reinforce key points and make the document more engaging.
  2. Ensure visuals are clear, relevant, and effectively highlight the product’s unique features.

Download your competitive positioning template

competitive positioning document template
CI for Marketing: Competitive positioning reference doc
CI for Marketing: Competitive positioning reference doc ℹ️ About this resource You’ll refer back to this anchor document when supporting your fellow marketers with new product launches, content campaigns, SEO strategy, or analyst briefings. Acknowledge major competitive alternatives [Leg…

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