Securing case studies can be hard work so when you do get that golden opportunity, you want to make the most of it. That's why we've compiled 80 effective customer case study questions that you can pick and choose from to capture the depth and impact of your customer stories.

Why should you use this template?

Our case study questions template has been designed to make sure you make every second count when it comes to your next customer case study interview.

By asking the right questions, you’ll uncover authentic insights that showcase your solution's value, highlight customer satisfaction, and even reveal data-backed results that resonate with future prospects.

How it works

  1. Set the scene: Start with questions designed to establish rapport and set a comfortable tone for your conversation.
  2. Dive deep: Uncover key insights about your customer’s challenges before and after they adopted your solution.
  3. Capture success: Gather metrics, qualitative feedback, and impactful quotes that illustrate the real difference your product or service has made.
  4. Refine and share: With everything you need for a complete case study, you’ll save time drafting and editing. Use the responses to craft powerful testimonials and case studies that build credibility and trust.

Download your customer case study questions template

Customer case study questions template
Customer case study questions
Customer case study questions Securing case studies can be hard work so when you do get that golden opportunity, you want to make the most of it. Here are 80 questions to pick and choose from to make sure no stone goes unturned. Building a rapport If you want to get rich and honest answe…

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